
Stuffed Saddle Of Lamb 香草烤釀羊鞍 【食譜】

Queen 喜愛羊肉獨特的騷羶風味,但並非所有人可以接受,澳洲羊肉味道較為溫和,用它來做一道,香酥可口的「香草烤釀羊鞍」,不喜歡羊肉的你,從此一定會對它改觀。
Recipe In both English and Chinese 
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1.5 - 2公斤羊鞍(去骨,用黑胡椒和海鹽,醃2小時)

餡料: 10顆蘑菇、一束羅勒、少許迷迭香、 1/2茶匙海鹽、 1/2茶匙黑胡椒、2茶匙蒜味牛油、1湯匙奶油、1隻雞蛋黃

薄荷醬: 新鮮薄荷、2湯匙暖水、3湯匙檸檬汁、1湯匙糖、(適量蒜茸、紅辣椒碎、橄欖油和鹽)放置冰箱半小時

預熱烤箱到 220°C,烹飪時間 500 30分鐘,或根據自己的喜好調整時間,熄火後先讓羊鞍休息 15 分鐘,便可以食用。
圖片內:中心部份仍然四成熟的,2 公斤-烹飪時間 1.5 小時

Ingredients & Recipe

1)  1.5 – 2Kg Lamb saddle
marinade with black pepper and sea salt for 2 hours
2)  Stuffing:  10 mushroom, a bunch of basil, pinch rosemary, 1/2 tsp sea salt, 1/2 tsp cracked black pepper, 2 tsp garlic butter,  1 Tbsp cream cheese, 1 egg yolk
Saute mushrooms and basil, drain well, rest for 15mins
3)  Mint sauce:  fresh mint, 2 Tbsp warm water, 3 Tbsp lemon juice, 1 Tbsp sugar,
pinch garlic mince, chili mince, olive oil, salt) leave in fridge 30mins
Preheat oven to 220°C, cooking time allow 30 minutes per 500g or to your liking
and rest for 15 minutes before serving.
Medium rare 2Kg - cooking time 1.5hrs
Tablespoon = Tbsp
Teaspoon = tsp
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